Free Goodnotes Stickers – Moon and Stars VOL 2

Since the first set of moon and stars Goodnotes stickers was so popular, I decided to add a few color variations! So welcome to the free digital moon and stars sticker set VOL 2! Be sure to check back over the next few days for a few more options and add them to your free stickers collection. 

How to use the free Goodnotes stickers

Whether you plan to use the PNGs or the Goodnotes file, downloading and using the stickers is easy. I will leave some instructions below.

NOTE- if you love my free stickers I recommend making a folder on your device or in your Goodnoets app for all Spec on a Speck freebies so you can keep track of what you have! You can even make some subfolders for free stickers, templates, and notebooks!

Digital Goodnotes stickers instructions

I will leave the step by step instructions fro downloading your free Goodnotes stickers below, but if you have any questions don’t hesitate to reach out or leave a comment! 

Digital Goodnotes sticker instructions:

  • Click the button below that says “Download Moon and Stars VOL 2 Sticker Set. 
  • Locate the file in your downloads. 
  • If you are using the PNGs, just drag and drop them into your app. 
  • If you are using the Goodnotes app, share the Goodnotes file to your app and use the lasso tool to copy and paste the pre cropped stickers! 
pastel purple moon and stars digital stickers and goodnotes stickers on the goodnotes app on a tablet

Other free Goodnotes stickers

You can find this set in other colors as well as all of my other free digital Goodnotes stickers in the free Goodnotes sticker section. 

Free Goodnotes Notebooks

If you are looking for some free Goodnotes notebooks to use these free Goodnotes stickers in I’ve got you covered there too! Just head over to my free Goodnotes notebooks section and download any of the free notebooks you’d like! 


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