The next addition to our free fruit clipart category is this set of 14 free lime clipart images! They will go great in any project and they are awesome when paired with our free lemon clipart set! When you are done downloading this set, be sure to check out the rest of our free food clipart!
Downloading the free lime clipart images
To download the free lime clipart images, follow the instructions below. be sure to let me know if you have any questions or if you have any ideas for what you would like to see in the future!
Instructions for download:
- Click the “Download Free Lime Clipart Images” button below.
- Find the zip folder in your downloads called “Lime Clipart PNGs”.
- Unzip the folder.
- Save the folder which contains the 14 lime clipart images to your device.
- Start designing your new lime project!

Upscale the lime clipart
I make all of my clipart images while keeping in mind how much space they take up on your device, so they are fairly small, which is perfect for DIY and personal projects. If you need the images to be larger or of higher quality, you can use a website like Nightmareai. Just keep in mind this will increase the amount of space the lime clipart takes up on your device.